The site started the campaign during Comic-Con that included both real world and on-line teams working together to solve, and the site also seems to be the Joker's way of communicating with the on-line world. The end of the campaign gave us the teaser trailer, the Gotham City Police report on The Joker, and a picture of The Joker holding a knife to Rachael Dawes' face. (Formerly played by Katie Holmes and now played by Maggie Gyllenhaal) was updated about a week ago with a jack-o-lantern that looks very much like the pumpkin found on the cover of the fantastic graphic novel "The Long Halloween" which tells the story of the how Harvey Dent became Two Face and is said to be have been an influence on the script for "The Dark Knight".

A candle inside the pumpkin burns lower and lower each day. The candle is almost gone, and here is hoping that whatever Nolan and company have planned will match the creativity they showed during the "I belive in Harvey Dent" Campaign. I really hope we are going to get the teaser poster at the end of this...maybe Halloween?
UPDATE: The pumpkin is now starting to rot ala "The Long Halloween".

Nolan is hitting all the right notes on this one. I really think this is going to be something special.
There will also be the first 5-7 minutes from "The Dark Knight" shown with "I Am Legend" this December on IMAX screens. It is rumored to deal with a bank robbery that the Joker is taking part in, and somehow includes a hijacked school bus. Christopher Nolan had this to say about the clip:
"The whole thing is not ‘Joker Begins’, because we did not tell how the Joker became what he is”, says director Christopher Nolan. “During these five minutes it is shown how the joker of the small crook becomes the most-dreaded gangster of the city - it is more of a “The Rise of the Joker”
Composer Mel Wesson has posted an update about his work on The Dark Knight score at his official website:
This is THE one I've been waiting for and I'm very excited to be onboard another Batman movie. Expect something very dark....Another outing for Gotham's Dark Knight, together with Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard. I began working on ideas in mid September '07, it's a long schedule but it's good to have time to experiment and expand the ideas we had on Batman Begins into the darkness.... don't forget 'Not all jokes are funny'"
UPDATE: The pumpkin is now starting to rot ala "The Long Halloween".

Nolan is hitting all the right notes on this one. I really think this is going to be something special.
There will also be the first 5-7 minutes from "The Dark Knight" shown with "I Am Legend" this December on IMAX screens. It is rumored to deal with a bank robbery that the Joker is taking part in, and somehow includes a hijacked school bus. Christopher Nolan had this to say about the clip:
"The whole thing is not ‘Joker Begins’, because we did not tell how the Joker became what he is”, says director Christopher Nolan. “During these five minutes it is shown how the joker of the small crook becomes the most-dreaded gangster of the city - it is more of a “The Rise of the Joker”
Composer Mel Wesson has posted an update about his work on The Dark Knight score at his official website:
This is THE one I've been waiting for and I'm very excited to be onboard another Batman movie. Expect something very dark....Another outing for Gotham's Dark Knight, together with Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard. I began working on ideas in mid September '07, it's a long schedule but it's good to have time to experiment and expand the ideas we had on Batman Begins into the darkness.... don't forget 'Not all jokes are funny'"
The film comes out in July 2008, but the marketing is off and running, the shooting will wrap next month after shooting in Hong Kong and here's hoping we get a trailer soon.
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