I am a HUGE Terry Gilliam fan and "Time Bandits" is a film that resides in a special part of my childhood. Before I knew of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" and "Brazil", I was exposed to the creative genious that is Terry Gilliam. I loved the absurd story that was parts comedy, science fiction, fantasy, fairy tale, etc. Stealing the map of the universe from God, to jump into time holes in order to steal treasure and get rich was such a fantastic idea. Add in dialogue like "Mom...Dad...Don't touch it! It's evil!" and "Slugs! He (God) created slugs! They can't hear. They can't see. They can't operate machinery. Are we not in the hands of a lunatic?" are burned forever into my brain.
This guy recreated the map in photoshop and 188 layers and a file size of 1.72 GB later, he printed it out onto canvas that measures 40 inches x 24.5 inches from a top of the line Epson printer.
These babies are limited edition and run for $90 plus $10 shipping and handling. That may seem steep, but it's nothing compared to the fortunes you will have using it to go back to ancient Greece, France during the Revolution, The Titanic as she is sinking, etc. and stealing anything you want.

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